Event Details
Enneagram Workshop

About This Event
- Event Type:Classes
The 9 Enneagram strategies or types help us to identify our patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving. As we grow our self-awareness, we begin to see these patterns playing out in our lives. Some call these patterns personality.
Objectives of this training:
- Identify and name the characteristics of each type
- Identify the three centers of intelligence
Understand how this system is holistic and helpful.
Take a complimentary assessment and find out your type:
Presented by JFCS Aleinu
Contact Information:Questions? Contact Jayne Plotkin
Contact Phone:(602) 567-8334
Contact Email:PhilanthropicServicesAssistant@jfcsaz.org
Registration- Price: $36.00
- Registration Instructions: Please RSVP by Aug. 25th