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7 Reasons Why We Fail to Achieve Our Life Goals and How to Overcome Obstacles

About This Event

  • Event Type:Volunteer Event

This workshop will review the seven most common reasons why many of us fail to achieve our life goals –become financially independent, start a business, learn another language etc.

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  1. List the basic reasons why we fail to reach our dreams and goals
  2. Describe how each of the four schools of psychology define illness and growth
  3. Select the best approach to achieve their personal objectives


Dr. Waldman is a licensed clinical, school, forensic psychologist in Phoenix, Arizona. He conducted a highly successful private practice for nearly 40 years. Waldman is an author, has served on multiple boards and is very active in the community.

Presented by JFCS Aleinu

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Contact Information:

Questions? Call Jayne Plotkin or email

Contact Phone:

(602) 567-8334

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  • Price: $35.00
  • Registration Instructions: Please RSVP by September 13th