Event Details
7 Reasons Why We Fail to Achieve Our Life Goals and How to Overcome Obstacles
About This Event
- Event Type:Volunteer Event
This workshop will review the seven most common reasons why many of us fail to achieve our life goals –become financially independent, start a business, learn another language etc.
- List the basic reasons why we fail to reach our dreams and goals
- Describe how each of the four schools of psychology define illness and growth
- Select the best approach to achieve their personal objectives
Dr. Waldman is a licensed clinical, school, forensic psychologist in Phoenix, Arizona. He conducted a highly successful private practice for nearly 40 years. Waldman is an author, has served on multiple boards and is very active in the community.
Presented by JFCS Aleinu
Contact Information:Questions? Call Jayne Plotkin or email
Contact Phone:(602) 567-8334
Contact Email:PhilanthropicServicesAssistant@jfcsaz.org
Registration- Price: $35.00
- Registration Instructions: Please RSVP by September 13th