Event Details
Brain Fitness with Toby Lazarus (monthly)
- Categories: General JFCS Events
About This Event
- Event Type:Classes
Brain Fitness works to engage the brain in innovative ways in a variety of cognitive areas and can help
increase mental acuity. We discuss how your brain works as well as tips to improve your skills. Word play, puzzles, memory games and problem-solving activities are employed to enhance your brain power. You are never too old or too young to stimulate your brain. This course has all new material.
- Price: Free
Registration Instructions:
Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYtcuippj4pGtCVdlsRb4V9oZawABYn_2d_
Any questions, contact: Jennifer Brauner, CSE Site Director
seniorcenter@jfcsaz.org or 602-343-0192