The Brooks family recognizes the need to give today as well as tomorrow. They hold true the value of Tikkun Olam, which aims to make the world a better place. In 2011, Adam and his business partner Lee Eisinberg began funding the ABLE Financial Group Philanthropic Fund at the Jewish Community Foundation, allowing them to support organizations and causes they care about today and into the future. Cindy and Adam first became familiar with JFCS by attending the annual Brighter Tomorrow Luncheon in 2006. Each year, they were moved by the stories of how JFCS made an impact in people’s lives. They were impressed by how many different areas of the community JFCS seemed to impact. The more the Brooks’ learned, the more they wanted to know, and the more they wanted to help. This encouraged them to get involved in supporting the organization today, as well as in securing the future health of JFCS. By volunteering presently, as well as securing their commitment to the Philanthropic Fund at the Jewish Community Foundation, Cindy and Adam are taking the steps for doing so.
The Brooks are active members of the Jewish Community and have been involved in several organizations. Cindy Brooks has been teaching in the Jewish Community for almost twenty years. She currently teaches Pre-K at Chanen Pre-School at Congregation Beth Israel. Adam is Managing Partner of ABLE Financial Group. As a financial advisor, he has been guiding individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations toward their financial goals since 1993. Adam actively serves his community in a variety of leadership positions. In 2017, he helped establish the Professional Leadership Group Program with Jewish Family and Children’s Services and he is currently Board Chair for the Martin Pear Jewish Community Center. The Brooks Family have three sons. Their oldest, Jordan, is a sophomore at the University of Arizona. Dylan, their middle son is graduating from Desert Mountain, and the family recently traveled to Israel to celebrate Cameron’s, their youngest, Bar Mitzvah in Israel.